A downloadable game for Windows

Here are 2 versions of a student projet done at a game design school, the goal was to progtam a game in unity then recreate it in Unreal.

Overall, pretty cool exercice, it helps train with the physics of both enginee, which is a very interesting way to gain experience with both.

There exists quite a lot of differences between both version, here they are:

Unity: You may only move left and right, with Q and D. Movement is not Camera related and difficulty may stop scaling after some scoring

Unreal: Difficulty will always go up and up as it is automatised. Movement is free with ZQSD (azerty) inputs, and the Hexagon has a smaller level design since I had to base it around the player's movement.

Feedback would be much appreciated! This project was done in around 4 days only!


Hexcape - Unity.zip 25 MB
Hexcape - Unreal.zip 340 MB

Install instructions

You will need to download the zip, then click on the executable file of Unity or Unreal. They may both be named HexagonalHellscape

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